Its always bugs me when people complain that their photography equipment isn't good enough and that its the reason why their photos are rubbish. Maybe 1% of the time this is true and your camera is the limiting factor in your work but the other 99% of the time, it simply isn't true. Show me one bad image as a "result" of your equipment and I'll show you a thousand great ones taken with a cellphone camera.
My point is
technique is everything. Forget about the Nikon vs Canon vs
or the Aperture vs Lightroom Film vs Digital etc. arguments.
If people spent as much time fussing about their images as much as they spent fussing about their gear, I think there would be a lot more fantastic photographers out there. My favorite point to use in this argument is look at the work of Ansel Adams, look at his successes and then look at the gear that he had to use.
The bottom line is stop whining about getting that new lens or that new body and start going out and improving your technique.
For the record, I love my "old" camera and to this day, as my technique improves, I am amazed at the quality of images that I can get out of it.